Some old, some older than old, and some I just started working on.
I don't know why I didn't share these earlier. They've been in my photo gallery forever and I thought I'd show you before I move them out.
The sweatshirt design was for the Pannikin's employees last Christmas. Man, that was forever ago. It's an image of a sexy senorita with espresso making gadgets in each hand as if she was holding pistols. They didn't want to use my title for it on account of it being spanishlish (spanish/english), but I kind of liked it. I called it "No messo with me espresso!"
Here in southern California, I think spanglish deserves to be real language....don't you think? It's the only language I'm really fluent in.
The chickadee painting was a custom that my client gifted to her good friend. I love how cute and small it is.
The last sketches to be painted are for Zuri (brother-in-law). I'll post some real pictures when I'm further along.....and no, the words aren't going to be on the paintings. Just thought I'd title them for my own kicks.
Zuri wants these for his baby's nursery.
That was really weird to write. (Zuri, I know you're reading this. Was that weird for you too?) I still can't believe my sisters having a baby! So excited!!!
That's it for now.
I'm currently working on some other custom paintings for some great clients but it's too soon to share. Soon...I promise.
Have a great weekend! Karin
That sweat shirt is so fun! Spanglish was the way to go. That is a big language in the area where I live too! Many residents are first or second generation here. ~Val